>>57098340This can work with even gigantic characters. HOWEVER this is DBZ now not pokemon. Pokemon was never made with the idea of DBZ flying combat in mind.
This is the real problem here.
As for the character list you can trim the fat by removing shitmon no one likes and some pokemon are basically one and the same in 3D like magnemite and magnetite so you can copy past their move set and make only one of them more stronger. However even 500 characters is a lot.
>15 PokemonDragon Ball Xenoverse has like 50 characters and features a create your own character idea. Super smash bros has 76 characters including pokemon.
>>57096063>Go play an actual fighter game and I like Mortal Kombat.
>>57095227>>57096019>>57098201>Completely true but turnbasedfags are low iqThanks the problem with pokemon is that the gameplay is repetitive trash. There is no real .... action in turn based games.
Pokemon on a competitive single player level is retarded. What is nuzlock? Other then
>Hey let me grind in grass for 2h before I do a fight.This is the only strategy you ever see in pokemon.
There is literally nothing else.
Lets contrast to Mortal Kombat who has bosses with 200% the HP and who hit 200% harder. The reason I suggested fighting games is because it is the only game type where you have incredible agency. If your opponent is on a higher level than you you can still win by being better at fighting now pokemon can have difficulties and you have agency over winging a battle where the other opponent is out leveling you.
There can be 2 sliders increase AI and increase HP/Power of enemies.