>>43713129>What species are you hunting? What game?Togepi in shield via full odds 2% RE
>What was the last shiny you obtained? How did you encounter it?i found a shelmet via the same method but it used final gambit so oops, actually obtained would be mantyke via 500 KO fishing
>What is your favorite non-legendary shiny?mantine or shuckle
>How would you rate the previous poster's favorite out of 10?8/10, charmander looks a bit meh in gen 2 but charizard more than makes up for it.
>If you would give the Ultra Beasts Hidden Abilities, what would they be?levitate nihilego, Iron fist buzzwole, swarm pheromosa, lightning rod xurkitree, heatproof celesteela, hyper cutter kartana, gluttony guzzlord, aftermath blacephelon, sturdy stakataka, and liquid ooze naganadel.