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>pokemon hunter
>have to use conventional (and unconventional) firearms to kill wild pokemon for your trophydex
>gameplay tips during loading screens include:
>"if you see V of Fletchling in the sky, shoot the very second bird, left from the center. You've just killed the Talonflame's Fletchinder, said Talonflame is now diving "en Brave Bird". this is your best shot at it. If you miss now, (most do) then you'e need to evade an entire song and dance of "Aerial Ace"s and "Acrobatics"es(most don't).
>"be careful of accidentally confusing a large Luxio or Blitzle with a runt Luxray or Zebstrika. Even on a good day, the electromagnetic fields of these Fully-Evolved-Pokemon are enough to stop any metallic bullet right in the air. They can still feel it push gently against their willpower. That feeling makes them angry."
>"after gaining Aggron's aggro, start your car, and lure him into the location of your explosive trap. the TNT wont injure it, but it will be stunned for a few minutes, at this point you could charge your electromagnets and go in for the kill. or, have a trained pokeball operator capture it for training