>>35099825DAY 2
After sleeping at Viridian's Pokémon Center, Red decides to train his team on Route 1, since the great number of Togepis there and their Metronomes would make the team ready against anything they'd face. After training to level 8, he crossed Viridian Forest to test the team's strength. Then, he crossed back 'cause he heard Green was on Route 22. Green used a lv. 9 Nincada and a lv. 9 Trapinch but Jason and Tommy destroyed them. Back to Pewter, he entered the Gym and the assistant used a lv. 10 Trapinch and a lv. 11 Chikorita. Brock then stepped in with a lv. 12 Teddiursa and a lv. 14 Dunsparce. Once again, Jason and Tommy won the battle for Red, but not without losing Carlos to him. After this loss, Red kept on his journey and battled everyone on Route 3, while catching Albert (the Zubat) and Camille (the Spinarak) on Route 3 and in Mt. Moon entrance. The old man at the PokéCenter where he spent the night tried to sell him a Wigglytuff, but he refused since his friend Blue already had a Igglybuff.
Blue also decided to train on Route 1, but the Taillows there proved to be much harder and she went to Viridian Forest. Green had a lv. 9 Diglett and a lv. 9 Corphish, but Theodore made short work of them. At Pewter Gym, the assistant used a lv. 10 Mankey and a lv. 11 Meditite, but Theodore once again took care of them. Brock had a lv. 12 Beldum (which got everybody into red hp) and a lv. 14 Sealeo (CALM DOWN BROCK). Everyone fought bravely and using every Potion available, Theodore confused Beldum down and Kimberly managed to attract Sealeo until he was defeated. Proud of her team, Blue went to Route 3 and defeated every trainer there with ease. She also caught Alyssa (the Swinub) and Zack (the Houndour) on Route 3 and Mt. Moon entrance, and bought Justin (the Krabby) when she came back to the PokéCenter to spend the night.