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damn we could be litteraly in 1998 and be like
>you poke nerd buy game that look like atari 2600 game while we zelda chads have 3D
time is a flat circle and people stil don't understand that what made pokemon companies so rich was marketable creature to make goodies out of and not muh graphics, it was/is/will ever be what pokemon is about !
and year upon year show that even when they have the money to loose on making more expérimental pokemon game to change thing up retard will screech for gamefreak to go back and complain nothing changed after a new gen come out !!!
pokemon is too big of a franchise to care about the graphics, the moment the pokemania show that cute monster >graphics/gameplay.
so shill eat shit and haters are the fakest retard on earth cause they for sure played and enjoy some pokemon game that in their time where so much behind anything that came out the same date.