>>22399357>>22399234>>22399145The woods themselves seemed hostile to their entry, but they had to press on. As long as they didn't get turned around, the next city over wasn't that far away. Supposing even if they did they'd still wind up back on the main road sooner or later, but it'd be easier to navigate that from a town than in the middle of the road with no landmarks.
The man scowled when he saw, what he assumed was, their assault from before step out of hiding in front of them; somehow having got ahead. And to make things worse he felt eyes on his back, and glanced over the shoulder just in time to see someone else coming up from the other direction.
"We're surrounded. Take cover."
Erco moved behind a tree and tried to take a pot shot behind him that was met with an unsatisfying click that meant only one thing. Jam. He moved swiftly to fix whatever gremlin had suddenly assailed him.
Since excadrill still had plenty of forward momentum he lunged towards the spy and launched into another Drill Run. If he was fast he'd be able to send out a pokemon in time to block it, but for now Erco just wanted to put him on the defense.
"If you can deal with the one behind us." He called to the girl, in hopes one soldier would be an easier target that the extremely odd man in front.
> 2 also crits.> Soft sand is embargoed.