>>11736862let me prove you wrong:
> Three stage birdsthose are for beginner trainers having a way to fly early in the game and so they have a flying type, a realitivly rare species, early in too
>most are the sameGardivore and Gallade evolve from the same type so it only makes sense that they would look similar. same thing with Roserade and Buffalant, it is expected to look alike. venasuar always was the blandest looking to me, just a bit bigger and with an overgrown flower on its back, while torterra is my favourite of gen 4. it has a unique look and design that emphasis the size and epicness of it.
>same posesget out of here, faggot
> list goes on...Electrode is an upside down pokeball while Mooshroom is an entire mushroom with the pokeball design all over it's body. Audino gives you 2x Experience points and is crucial for grinding. persian is just a cat with a red dot on it's forehead (the durka durka of pokemon), while purugly took a chance by making the pokemon ugly and liepard is one of the best dark types of the new games.
> most of the newer pokemon aren't based off of animalsdiglett, magneton, ghastly, voltorb, mewtwo, duskull, hitmonlee, hitmonchan, hitmontop, sudowoodo, tangela, chingling, meditite, elekdi, magby, rotom, deoxys, baltoy, claydol, sableye, aron, gulpin, wynaut, woboffet, lickitung, abra, geodude, togepi, snorlax, whimpur, raltz, porygon, jigglypuff, machoke, and nosepass