>>25231487KogasaA has acceptable 95/80/95 defenses, access to Fairy Dance along with fairly good type coverage and 120 BP STAB moves, a great typing that gives her key immunities/resistances like Fire/Water/Earth/Fighting/Sound, and she gets either a focus or spread Intimidate to make her even bulkier. She's far from the best puppet out there but she's great in spite of her low BST, 4x weakness to Electric, and lack of reliable recovery. She's currently #40 on the pre-expansion usage list, to give you an idea.
KogasaS has a great defensive typing in Water/Light as well as 110 spread attack and 110 speed, but unlike KogasaA she's limited in role to being a sweeper, her Light typing is wasted on her mediocre bulk, and Warning Shot/Smoke Deploy don't mesh well with her role. She's passable as an Intimidate pivot who gets Lightning Speed and can definitely be a worthwhile contributor to your team, but doesn't stand out in any real way.
KogasaE is, likewise, an unspectacular Water/Sound-type focus attacker with only slightly above-average 85/70/100 defenses. She'd be a lot more interesting pre-expansion, but the expansion added a lot of extra styles like her that are slow spread tanks that have a high focus attack. Even then, Power Komachi exists and outclasses her in nearly every way except type coverage and arguably typing.
There's some meta-commentary to be made here, I just know it.
Which shouldn't be very surprising.