First time posting something like this, but here's a timelapse of my design process for Cece and a look into my drawing practices- a lot of drawing something, not liking it, and hiding the layer. Going into it, I knew I wanted to give her a hairstyle similar to the Nurse Joys from the BW anime. I also had played around with designing 3 other character concepts for Ivy's rival before settling on Cece; a barista character, a self insert, and a coral restoration agent. Not sure if they'll make an appearance in the future or not.
>>57265324Super cute, I'm always a sucker for spikey punk bracelets
>>57265328This came out awesome. I know it's Grym anon's birthday, but you're really gifting all of us
>>57265409Especially with this. This is great and oozes so much character. Love it
>>57265612This template always scared me since it seemed like so much to fill out. Regardless, Audrey's looking adorable here
I'm getting spam filtered. It feels good to be back :)