>>33076000for me I tend to have ideas of mon's I want to use, but then I realize the team in my head was crazy, I need a guy who can learn cut, and I end up rearranging things to fit.
Like in my head I know I need a water mon who can surf, I need a flying guy who can learn fly, etc., but other than that I just catch what seems cool that I come along, and sort of try to come along specific mons that pique my interest.
But yeah I try and not re-use bros from previous playthroughs or anything, just because I always feel like I had my fun with them already, and theres so many pokemon out there. If I come across a shiny on a normal playthrough of a game, I'll try and turn it into an ace, but that has only happened once. In sun I found a shiny poliwag, so poliwrath became my ace pokemon for my sun playthroguh.
Also sometimes I'm like "huh I want to play around with X ability" so I'll find a slowpoke with regenerator, or catch a pelipper to auto set rain or whatever.
But I don't really plan a whole team ahead of time.
So I guess half I go after certain pokemon (sometimes abandoning ideas I had because no one could learn X move (currently this is cut in leaf green,
>>33071167 is me)), and half I come across something and I'm like "yeah okay, lets do this".