>>27153729What happens then? Will, virtue, instinct, and beauty begin to gradually decline, and ultimately, they will disappear. Nobody is deeply nor proudly conscious of possessing something or having acquired something during their own lifetime which is indeed worthy of preservation and perpetuation in their lifetime and for their progeny. In fact, things today are even worse than this. There is scarcely a man or woman today who does not whole-heartedly believe that it is their duty in guiding themselves independently to choose a role model utterly different from themselves, so great is his internal and frequently unconscious self-contempt.
Also having no real pride in either their will, their virtues, their instincts, or their beauty, he feels intuitively that their object must be to find a corrective- that is to say, something that they know will transform, modify, or conflict with their own nature. And the popular mind is slowly but surely possessed by the idea that a person should select their other extreme!