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Based or cringe
>3 versions with their own exclusive starter and different starting area to spice up the encounter list from just being boring rodentmons.
>Open world meme with the world divided into 4 hubs with different world design. 1st badge opens up the entire map
>Hubs have scaled levels and the levels are based on the order of which areas you explored first. (starting area 5-25, second and third 20-60 and endgame 45+)
>Early fast-travel, high escape odds and level indicators to not stop players from exploring but there are trainers who will stop you from exploring too much.
>Campaign consist of doing the league challenge, doing optional professor research quests, sidequests and battling the optional evil team.
>Research quests in every town will direct you to close by points of interests. They consists of dungeons and scavenger hunts for example The research you collect will develop your town based on the research you collected.
>There are optional dungeons and secret areas that are blocked off without specific HM-like items or mons. Areas can be reached in different ways. You can reach dark area by finding night vison goggles or just by catching illuminating mons.
>Dungeons have totem-style boss fights
>Gyms have level scaling and entirely different teams based on your badge count. No type specialists but instead leaders are themed around themes (sound moves) and mechanics (weather) to stop you from stomping them with SE moves and to give them unique strategies.
>Examples: Weather, status effects, gender, friendship
>10 gyms but you only need to beat 8. The other 2 become super bosses
>Gyms can be skipped by completing gym leader side quests