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Well, Korrina went well. No deaths, though things got worrying for a minute. Caught and trained a Misdreavus up, just in case, especially with how surprisingly reliable Confuse Ray is, but it turns out I didn't even need to bring her out. Training Turner up to Psychic level with just Bite was annoying, and I had to reset his EVs with a Reset Bag, but in the end I only really needed him for a lead and not for cleanup after a death like I thought.
Has Focus Sash/Spore, so Turner was the obvious lead. It actually used Rock Tomb instead of Spore, which was worrying, but Korrina healed it up instead of attacking again.
A Nasty Plot set with Shuca Berry. Alea facetanked it, though if she'd flinched on its second Dark Pulse after setup, I'd have been forced to either let her die or let Gallia get chipped. Lucky that she didn't.
I just had to switch to Gallia on the Leaf Blade, then SD/Agility.
She proceeded to kill it and sweep Korrina's remaining Pangoro, Hawlucha, and Lopunny. Just had to stay out of Sucker Punch kill range.
Next up is the Lucario 1v1, which is basically scripted, and then I can move on. I'm thinking things over, though. I can evolve Gallia if I want by teaching her Thief and taking a Metal Coat from a Bronzor in Reflection Cave, but I'd also be doubling up on Steel-types and Megas, since I can get Scizorite after Clemont. Should I just box the free Lucario and keep it in reserve? Already did it for the gift Speed Boost Torchic...