>>37968177Into zombie movies
>>37968226Probably into anime
>>37968238Probably has a collection of small trinkets
>>37968243Is (or tries to be) a memelord
>>37968274Favorite flavor is probably vanilla
>>37968275Comes from a basic family but tries to be 'different'
>>37968317Probably has some underlying fetish
>>37968327"I'm the funny one"
>>37968352Sucker for nostalgia
>>37968356Sleeps with way too many pillows
>>37968386Cares a bit too much about their image on the internet
>>37968402Still looking for those Dragon Balls
>>37968445Always wears 1 layer too many
>>37968483"Look at how dumb he looks... I love him"
>>37968510Definitely watched Power Rangers growing up
>>37968542Probably short tempered and watches sports
>>37968587Furry but denies it
>>37968595Ghibli fan
>>37968612Probably into dinosaurs
>>37968626Either way too into going to the gym or going down on guys named Jim
>>37968632"Emo isn't a phase, Mom!"
>>37968637Grew up on kaiju movies
>>37968655"Bro do you even know the current meta on smogon!?"
>>37968797Likes bugs, but in the picking wings of flies kind of way