I beat Barry! I got a lucky that Heracross crit me at the "right time" when I was at full health so I didn't lose Quagsire. So from this point on the game is blind. Also Barry has a Breloom so I might randomly give things Chesto Berries to counterteam him.
Spoiler alert. There's a permanent rainstorm in Crasher Wake's gym which is annoying.
First off, he uses Wacan Berry Gyarados but the funny thing is you're basically guaranteed to get Gyarados into red health with your first electric move and on the next turn after he's DD'd up the AI is forced to use a potion which means you can just KO him the next turn.
Speaking of bad AI, someone last thread said Toxicroak destroys him because the AI literally doesn't realize Dry Skin exists. It will spam water moves on a Dry Skin mon forever. Also, Toxicroak lived a
Zen Headbutt from Sharpedo which is excellent. It might be the same with Water Absorb but I'm not sure.
I don't think Toxicroak is a permanent team member but I might keep it for Byron.
>>37324106There's nothing wrong with liking Gen 1. Just don't mindlessly shit on every other generation.
>>37324241Go ahead and use Abra. I don't think it's nearly as good as it is in Gen 1.