Quoted By:
Gonna blog my fucking day so enjoy
>go to Disney Springs to catch some bears with my mom because it's the only way she'll actually spend time with me
>Get separated from my mom for over 2 hours of the event
>Calling and texting my mom constantly to find out where she went but she doesn't fucking answer
>Can't even play the last hour because phone is about to die and she has the charger
>Last 15mins of the event dumbass texts me back finally and says my bad phone was on silent
>Finally meet up with 5 mins left
>Mom feels bad about not checking their phone or even checking on where the fuck I was
>Says here I'll send you a shiny
>Yeah sure whatever
>Send her a pink one because fuck you
>It magically turns into a lucky trade
>Mom is now salty as fuck because I got a lucky shiny and she got a lucky regular
Fucking kek talk about karma. Also I think my mom has autism.