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43 new Pokemon (includes Galar forms)
14 Gigantamax forms
Most dex cuts from Hoenn, Unova and Kalos
Starters don't evolve but get Gigantamax formes based on certain items (similar to golden armor digivolving). The formes are tied to the history of Galar and have their own names (ie. Intelleon, Strikhare, and Tangorilla are 'North Galar Knights', etc)
8 gyms, 4 major league, 4 minor league
Marnie is Sonia's little sister
Bede's grandfather is Pryce from Johto for some reason
In the lore there was a 3rd wolf but it died when forced to Gigantamax. Zacian and Zamazenta both out to destroy Eternatus.
Team Yell is the only bad team. The grunts are employed to make diversions. They want [game's box legendary] to draw out Eternatus.
Leon isn't a secret bad guy. He's like a shittier GSC Lance.
The game is max 25 hours long
Post game are two islands: a battle facility (like maison) and one where random legendaries show up.
Some Pokemon not yet shown are a line of kebab moles, a jewel cat, and a mini ouroborus
>But you're a faggot and I don't believe you
Fair enough. Wait until Friday, there's a new video that will play exclusively at the London store, then be posted online the Monday following.