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>Courtney, a /vp/ favorite couldn't quite keep up with the shiny new toy that was Irida and Glaceon.
>SS Hilbert was super effective against multiple different ontypes this week. I'm surprised he only got used 5 times.
>Only one Anon used SC Ingo without using SC Emmet ruining the two pairs placement together. For a fairly popular pair this week it is uncommon that so few Anons break the two of them up.
>We were all on-typing metafaggots this week with our top 13 units all being on-type. Interestingly, once you include the next most common types for a total of a top 22 usage rate, we go from 13/13 to 16/22 so a big portion of the 6 usage pairs were off type.
>Cynthia putting up big numbers for the first time in a while. Especially interesting because we don't see any copies of SS Cynthia or Renegade Cynthia. I remembered a lot of Cynthia representation would come from Anons who used 3+ copies of her in their clears.
>I finally managed to get the most unique clear this week (technically tied for first) with 6 units in the single use category. I'm quite happy about that.