>>14511218She crosses her arms, a small pout forming upon her supple lips, "I was hoping you wouldn't be asking that. Listen, as much as I would like to tell you everything, I have to keep some information confidential for now..for privacy regards. If you don't want to call me by the nickname the others are using, please refer to me as Miss Leading for the time being. It's what my co-workers call me, I happen to be one of the top journalists, you know."
At first you're dead-set on keeping your position locked, yet the look on Miss Leading's face and her overall innocence is too much for you to take. You're about to become whipped to a classy maiden and you know it.
"I...guess that's reasonable. Alright then, let's get this letter to my mom!"
Both your Froakie and Miss Leading's Fennekin release themselves from their pokeballs. The frog climbs on top of your head, while Fennekin prances ahead like a prissy little shit.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDZxcqyPOmoThe adventure has only just begun.