>>45285141All taken from the perspective of my OC
>>How do you abuse your gardevoir?
I don't, because I'm not a monster and am in fact her friend. Not to mention if I did do anything like that to her, she'd break my fingers and arms well before I could even reach her, she can see the future ya know, and read minds, and send images in minds too. I could beat her in a fight though, it will not be easy and I think she'd win 60% of the time, but I'd score a hard earned 'W' every now and then.
>Do you plan on harvesting their horn for money?No. We both work to make money for our home. Not all of my Pokemon want to work, but she did, so she likes to help pay on the side a bit.
>Is Adamant max attack Gardevoir Tracing Pure Power better than Gallade?Yes, though not in the video games, its better in real life considering the number of moves Pokemon can learn and the options Gardeviors have. Though a Special Attacking Gardevoir is more common, this could work as neat mix up before you get too hurt.
>What is a dawn stone and why does it only work on male ralts?I asked one of my researcher friends, its an evolutionary stone that seems to currently be related to gender for a Pokemon. It doesn't work on female Kirlia, because biologically and genetically the stone doesn't seem to react.