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>Part of why everyone loves good old 'Zard is because of its incredible design. You just can't go wrong with a dragon, especially when the typical triangle at the end of its tail is replaced by a burning flame. The orange and cream coloration has a beautiful contrast together, and the teal underside of the wings gives a nice effect when you consider that the hotter a flame burns, the more it turns blue. Its sharp claws and fangs show that this obviously isn't a Pokémon to mess with, but the lack of a defined musculature shows that it's not a vicious or nasty Pokémon, and can also be loveable. This is especially true if you grew up with Ash's Charizard in the anime. At first it was always disrespectful of Ash (perfectly understandable), but after it kicked Magmar's ass over a volcano, they started to develop a true bond. Charizard undisputedly remains the ultimate powerhouse on Ash's team and is basically called upon when no other Pokémon can manage to do the job (except for in the Sinnoh League for some reason...). Charizard is so popular, so famous, that if you were in possession of the legendary holofoil TCG card—with its devastating 100 damage Fire Spin and 120 HP—you were pretty much the undisputed hero on the playground. I myself came into possession of such a card by scamming over a friend. I lost the friendship, but I'd do anything for Charizard.
Wow Smogon is really gay