>>56726909Funny? No. Odd? That’s an understatement.
>>56726914>anime is proof of Pokemon sapience! also, the scenes of pokemon eating dogfood is NOT canon!genuine grade projection
>>56726938It’s slavery if the Pokemon were doing slave labor and had the same sapience as humans, but since they’re treated like well-rewarded pets and work animals, it’s not slavery. There’s something to be said about just going to the wild and catching Pokemon for your own use, but Pokemon respect strength and leadership above all else, so it turns into a symbiotic relationship.
>sapient anthropomorphicThey’re anthro, but they’re not sapient, and never will be. You can’t “enslave” an animal.
>>56726997>It is.Still will never be canon. If you consider it canon, please consult the many scenes in which the Pokemon eat dog food and sleep in pet beds, on the floor, or in dog houses.
>FallaciousBut I’m right, and I’ll always be right. You’re unable to cope with the fact that you’re attracted to fantasy animals, and you’re trying to force a narrative that these creatures can lead the same lives as an average human being. They’re literally the same as an animal, they’re not the same as a fantasy race like the Khajiit.
Please leave the franchise, it’s clear you’re only in it for the memes and porn.