Quoted By:
>GC:Do you ever sit there with an open world game like Skyrim and think, ‘I’d love to do that but with Pokémon’?
>[At first the translator isn’t sure how to translate this question, as he doesn’t understand what Skryim is - but it’s immediately obvious that Unno knows exactly what it is.]
>TU:[laughs] Because conceptually they’re quite far off it’s difficult to envisage appropriating certain features from Skyrim to Pokémon. It’s a case of respecting the technology that’s there but I don’t think there’s something I can take there from Skyrim to Pokémon.
>GC:Why do 3D pokémon models never have any fur? The original painted images had tufts of fur and scales and so on, but you always seems to shy away from that level of realism now…
>TU:[laughs] There’s no desire to make things that real because you might lose an element of fantasy for the player, and that’s one of the reasons why there’s no hairs. And there might be the possibility that some of the pokémon lose their character traits if you see hair in a design. So there’s an emphasis on trying to keep the illustrations in a manga style, as it were.