>>51650039>>51650124>She outright said she only wants to be best performer because Ash wants to be the best battlerYes, as a way of showing she is an equal to him and hot just the girls that would follow him.
>Better then pushing Naruhina on people's throatIt's just a matter of preference at this point, retardation is still retardation.
>Then why the anime kept giving Serena larger rack?Animation errors, pic related.
>That does not mean she has copy paste everything Ash told herFamon, she's doing what Ash told her because it's legit good advice. If she decided not to do this clearly beneficial advice just because someone else said it that would be retarded. It would be like not taking medicine when you're sick becue someone other than you made it. That's just mental illness.
>Which she dropped on HoennWhich she is still doing in Hoenn.
>It already shown considering how Serena would leave her homeAnd all that we've seen of Serena at home is
her still practicing racing.
>sensitive part of their body is unsafeTheir legs? And unsafe how??
>she was too happy to loseThat doesn't make any sense. If she got her passion for battling back she would want to win and wouldn't be happy to lose. Your arguments are contradicting themselves, again.
>He isHow the fuck can there be two Champions of Unova retard?
>MastersI continue to be talking about the anime.
>break your argumentHow does it break my argumen when it isn't even what I'm talking about?
>a dragon that transform into humanSo is Iris just a dragon as a species or is she a dragon type Pokemon that anyone can catch in a pokeball and make their slave? Also, which Pokémon is she?
>into human would have attribute of a DragonWhy would a mythical dragon be so bad at transforming that it would leave attributes of its original from when it transforms?
>children anime should include child sex worker.Yes, but that doesn't imply I said that anyone would defend real life child sex. (2/2)