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Are people actually afraid of using the regional dex and are unironically stuck with the "new gen only" mentality? I'm sure you can use those later as well, I think teams can have even better personalities if combined with other mons form the regional dex and not gen 7 ones only.
Said this I'm not a great fan of the Alola regional dex that could have given more interesting mons for themed teams and other Pokemon that would fit the region in general.
Also after trying a successful HGSS and XY run with a rotating team and enjoying the difficulty balance this method has created I think I'm going to repeat it for SM too, especially considering how much of spoonfed we are since gen 5 games with its peak of spoonfeeding so far being XY.
Probably will try Whiscash instead of Graveler too, just look at the smug and no fucks given expression Whiscash's got in Alola.