>Updates3DS 1.3.21 / Mobile 1.8.5:
514 stages (470 main, 44 expert)
13 Mission Cards
636 Pokémon
>Datahttp://pastebin.com/tBRR1rHt 3DS 1.3.21 / Mobile 1.8.5 9/21
>New StuffGracus Hall added, 20 new stages
Ninjask added to EX stages
>Events (* = Personalized Skill Boost available)Dialga*: 9/20 - 10/4
Zygarde-Complete*: 9/20 - 10/4
Beedrill* [timed]: 9/20 - 10/4
Safari #11 [Aipom | Ambipom | Sewaddle | Swadloon | Leavanny | Cottonee (Winking) | Whimsicott (Winking)]: 9/20 - 10/4
Wobbuffet [Try'em Items]: 9/20 - 10/4
Mewtwo*: 9/27 - 10/4
Mega Beedrill Competition: 9/27 - 10/4
Daily Pokemon #2 [Pachirisu | Sigilyph | Tropius | Farfetch'd | Druddigon]: Ends on 10/11
Slaking: 9/27 - 10/11
Keldeo Escalation: 9/27 - 10/11
>Rewards25 1,000 Coins
30 1 Mega Speedup
40 1,000 Coins
50 1 Skill Swapper
60 1,000 Coins
70 1 Disruption Delay
80 1 Mega Start
90 1,000 Coins
100 1 Raise Max Level
125 Exp. Booster M
150 1 Mega Speedup
175 1 Exp. Booster M
200 1 Skill Swapper
235 1 Skill Booster S
250 2 Raise Max Level
275 2 Skill Booster S
300 2 Mega Speedup
Competition [NA/EU/JP/Mobile]
[300/200/1,000/2,000]: 1 Beedrillite, 3 Mega Speedups, and 3 Raise Max Levels
[1,600/1,000/5,000/10,000]: 1 Beedrillite, 2 Mega Speedups, and 2 Raise Max Levels
[8,000/5,000/25,000/50,000]: 1 Beedrillite, 1 Mega Speedup, and 1 Raise Max Level
[20,000/13,000/60,000/120,000]: 1 Beedrillite and 1 Disruption Delay
[26,000/18,000/80,000/160,000]: 1 Attack Power ↑ and 1 Disruption Delay
[26,001+/18,001+/80,001+/160,001+]: 1 Attack Power ↑
>Future Events¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>Compilation of useful linkshttp://pastebin.com/jqwbAwFgPrevious: