>>49484260>I-It doesn't need to have over 300 pokemon!!!>I-It doesn't need to have proper gameplay!!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have minigames!!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have a real post-game!!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have gameplay outside of catching pokemon!!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have lore consistency!!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have good designs!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have real fan favorite mons!!!>I-It doesn't need to have all of those cut moves!!!>I-It doesn't need to have trainers!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have an online!!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have a multi-player experience!!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have a good story!!!>I-It doesn't need to have a short tutorial!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have multiple towns!!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have points of interest!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have followmons!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have seasons!!!!!>I-It doesn't need to have varied locations!!!!5/10 I don't care about any of that added stuff.