>>46053601>SIf you sneak into a specific obscure alley you will find a Skull Grunt, if you ask him to join he'll take you to the Skull territory. There, they'll sell you the uniform (your money account stays in negative for a moment). After you hear Guzma destroy a grunt in a rap battle you choose your first pokemon from:
-Alolan Ratatta
-Alolan Grimer
Now your goal is to become an admin, and you have pass all the missions as a Skull grunt.
Team Skull are in contact with Aether Paradise, those provides the team with provisions, boats and other benefits in exchange on spying on the other teams. The Skull territory is formed the 4 Bone islands:
-The innermost island has an abandoned town where Guzma and some grunts lives and acts as defending front line
-Second island is a virgin jungle full of high leveled bug pokemon
-Third island is conected via bridge to the second and there is a huge abandoned mansion where rap battles and artistic bandalism takes place
-The outer fourth island its a complex cave system where Team Skull hides a treasure of stolen goods from other teams, some of those are rare and important.