>>39255324It's not that I want the games to always be the same and never have anything new, it's that I want the games to be polished and improved BEFORE they do new things. Instead of fixing something, GameFreak just throws it out and introduces some stupid gimmick that will also be thrown out soon after. That is horrible, I don't want that. Megas were a fun and new(!) concept but had major flaws - I wanted them to work on fixing those flaws and improving what they make as they expand on the concept. I didn't want megas to be discontinued for Z-Moves. I didn't want Z-Moves to be discontinued for Dynamax. I don't want Dynamax to be discontinued for whatever's coming next (unless Dynamax turns out to be absolutely terrible). "new mechanics" aren't doing the franchise any good if they're just hastily slapped on to an unpolished foundation.