>>47821760beedrill, raticate, wigglytuff, parasect, dugtrio, golduck, arcanine, poliwrath, kadabra/alakazam, tentacruel, dewgong, muk, kingler, electrode, exeggutor, hitmonlee/chan, lickitung, chansey, tangela, kangaskhan, seadra, seaking, mr. mime, scyther, jynx, magmar, pinsir, tauros, lapras, ditto, flareon, porygon, omastar, kabutops, moltres, dragonite, (mewtwo)
wtf that many and I always try to use ones that I haven't before.. then again I haven't played through the games that many times.
beedrill and raticate are probably the most unusable out of those, they start to get one shotted at 30+