Here I go, don't hold back.
I should note that Beheeyem was my first choice for favorite Psychic, and it was very hard picking between it and Gothitelle.
>>2063912216/18, pretty good choices overall. Hating an entire typing is off though, but I'm glad you have Natu as your favorite Psychic.
>>20634347Kudos on using Gen V sprites, impeccable taste too. 18/18, I love all of those mons.
>>2063390314/18, Escavelier and Kabutops put you in my good books automatically, and liking Froslass and Vibrava further support that.
>>2063331217/18 Apart from M-Chomp, these are all pretty good. Love that you have Trubbish there, though I prefer Garbodor a bit more.
>>20634296Good overall, the only true blemish is Rhyperior, though I do find some of the choices like Beartic rather bland, sorry. Good to see another Gothitelle though, and Machamp is great. 16/18, pat yourself on the back.
>>20632711Ew, the anime. Least you're being unique though, and you chose the caps very well. As for your tastes, not too shabby, however a lot of the Pokemon here tend to be ones I'm ambivalent about, such as Espeon and Drapion. 13/18
>>20632419What is up with those images man? Anyways, apart from fire, grass and maybe dark you're pretty solid overall. 15/18