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This Pokemon is probably the ugliest thing I've ever seen. I know Quilladin got a lot of shit when it was revealed, but I don't understand how Braixen just skated by. I mean fucking look at this thing! It's such obvious furbait it's not even funny, but that's not what bothers me. I hate how stupid it's ear hair looks, at the fact it literally has a fucking skirt. And that awkward stick in it's tail that doesn't even need to be there. It's such a jumbled, unlikable fucking mess. It honestly makes Quilladin look like a masterpiece, and I don't even really like Quilladin. I don't understand how this garbage didn't create a huge shit storm. I really like just about everything from Gen 6 thus far, but this thing is one of the worst designs ever. I don't see how a 3rd stage will be able to save it.