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Mega Meganium (nyuck nyuck!)
Ability: Fragrant - lowers aggression in battle, causing all strikes against this Pokemon to receive a 33% reduction in power
BST: 625
HP: 80
AT: 62 (-20)
DF: 155 (+55)
SA: 98 (+15)
SD: 155 (+55)
SP: 75 (-5)
Turns into a mixed wall and bulky sweeper, better at what it was supposed to be. Also caps out at defenses higher than Mega Venusaur or even Carbink. Grass/Fairy typing lends to a lot of weaknesses, BUT the ability makes up for it and gives it some nice flavor text relevance. Run this baby as a team support or try to take out some crap on your own. Definitely give the thing Moonblast as part of its regular set to take advantage of this. I don't see why it wouldn't get moves like Grassy Terrain and Misty Terrain when Pokemon Bank comes out as well. Watch out for Poison types though :o