>>17970153"Really? You?"
Anina nods briskly, as a blush creeps upon her face, she shyly rubs her arm, "Y-Yeah, yes, I-I was! I-It was part of an--uh--um--ASSignment given to the Hex Maniac G-Guild by Desdemona! W-We had to make sure w-we could seduce p-patrons w-with hex beauty f-for the inevitable maniac takeover apocalypse!...O-Or something... But then my friend Lovelyn signed up to be m-my co-worker j-just for funsies, sh-she's a total slut a-and whores it out to her f-fairies everyday, I-I know, b-but we're good friends! R-Really good friends, a-and i-it was a great e-experience for m-me!~"
You awkwardly scratch your back, attempting to imagine Anina as a qt club hostess, "And what does that mean for me?"
"W-Well, u-um, s-since I have e-experience, I-I can kinda h-help you out here, I-I kn-know some of the ropes a-and if you, I-I dunno...wantprofessionalhelp...I'm h-here you know! I can do things o-other than being weird!"
A) "Question: Did Desdemona /approve/ of your hosting?"
B) "Question: Do YOU think you were good at that?"
C) "Question: How do I get these medieval skanks to tell me what I want to know?"
D) "I really can't imagine you as a hostess. It doesn't sound Anina-y."