Quoted By:
>read a book for the first time in three years
>first 30 pages are utter garbage, MC is a snarky unrelatable Mary Sue asshole who looks like a movie star (I wish I was joking about that last one)
>every other character is interesting and human and the plot actually turns out to be engaging but you have to wait so long to get to all of that
>author drops useless exposition with no bearing on the plot and at one point admits via narration that he didn't care to think of a proper lead in ("mc for some reason thought of his father")
Thank you writethread for teaching me how to not write like an 11 year old girl. I am now even more aware of the importance of making characters likable and goddamn INTERESTING. Jesus christ, I am beyond rustled. Anyone who wants to understand how not to begin a story, read the first five chapters of this bullshit.