>Had to change team after I found out Tapu Lele was postgame>Had to change team after learning Vikavolt evolution is endgameHere's my third attempt, r8 and h8. Worried about the lack of a flier but don't really feel like having another slowmon. Love my fighting types but wondering if Passimian can be replaced with Tsareena.
>>29908742Oricorio pretty much needs a good HP or it's god awful. Keep that in mind.
>>29908683Greninja is going to make the rest of your team look and feel god awful. Two type overlaps is kinda gross too.
>>29908624Golisopod's presence is seriously hurting your team. Produces the 3rd flying and rock weakness and the ability is terrible in-game. If you like it, go for it.
>>29908574As I said in another thread, Vikavolt evolves on the final island. You'll be stuck with a team of 4 for a while.
>>29908571Flying types are going to be really rough especially considering Vikavolt's late evo.
>>29908569Think you probably want an electric pokemon but otherwise fine. Golisopod and Kommo-o standard problems.