>>17047887"Luchy, come on, don't give in. You're El Diablo, the greatest wrestler that ever lived! You have this, so use Sky Drop!"
Against all odds, Luchy pushes himself to continue the match until the very end. He stands up straight and sprints after Gogoat, "Gogoat! I can see it straight in 'm peepers, the 'ol bird dudn't have much spark to his spunk no more, use Milk Drink and finish the feller off 'wit a Wild Charge, sprout!"
Ramos tosses Gogoat a MooMoo Milk, but Luchy grabs a hold of Gogoat's horns before he can take a drink out of it, "Haaaawww....."
Luchy launches into the air with Sky Drop, breaking through the roof of Ramos' hut and through the Tree of Life's many branches and leaves.
"Gogoooooooaaa..." without any milk to drink, the weakened Gogoat lies slung over Luchy's shoulder, it's now or never.
"Haaawww...Haawww.." Luchy can barely keep either of them afloat, and the loud crackling, colorful fireworks behind them aren't helping either.
A) Complete Sky Drop!
B) Turn the move into Flying Press! Slam that fucker hard!
C) Turn the move into Focus Blast! Blast him back down!
D) Turn the move into Sky Attack! Wreck his shit with pretty angel wings!