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Man, Poké refresh is broken. All my mons now get boosted exp. I had to skip trainers before Verdant Cavern since 2 of my mons were already level 12, and Apicot was just above the level of the totem pokémon after clearing the challenge mons (The last challenge mon shot him from low level 11 to level 13 immediately wtf)
>Totem Gumshoos
I lead with Lansat, whose Brick Break didnt barely did 1/3rd of Gumshoos' health. Gum scary faced. Then Lansat got hit with the double whammy of Bite from Gum and a crit Tackle from Yung, leaving him with a sliver even after eating his berry. I swap Lansat for Apicot who gets double Leered. Apicot gets hit with Super Fang and Tackle, but after eating his berry he is back to 19hp. His Brick Break kills Gumshoos. Yungoose tackles and leaves Apicot on 1 hp. Apicot counters with a Force Palm that kills the beast.
I'm playing a bit fast and loose with level caps and all that. I'll try to not go above the totem mon, but as you can see it's kind of hard lol. Maybe thats a skill issue on my hand though.