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Pokemon games are incredibly boring.
I can not play them because of how repetitive they feel.
The mechanic is basically switch to the pokemon with type advantage.
Random showdown fag out of nowhere
>Awchually if you take this and this pokemon you can build this and that and this negates....
No shut up! Not in the nintendo games it takes basically until the end game for you to get fire pokemon excluding your starter.
The other strategy is to FUCKEN GRIND your pokemons level.
What I like to see in a pokemon game is some variety. I know this can be impossible since pokemon generate problems and where never designed with anything other then the stupid switch or grind the level pokemon mechanic from G1.
1) And this is the most important part. Make the map open. Lets do the same collect badges shit however you have 8 regions around your hometown.
Do you want to go to the fire region full of fire pokemon to defeat the fire pokemon gym?
Do you want to go to the forest region full of plant pokemon to defeat the plant pokemon gym?
Do you want to go to the water region full of water pokemon to defeat the water pokemon gym?
Do you want to go to the electric region full of electric pokemon to defeat the electric pokemon gym?
Do you want to go to the rock/mountain region full of rock pokemon to defeat the rock pokemon gym?
Something like with mega man only you travel these regions.
This can work if you use negative levels for the regions pokemon.
Lets say your pokemon are always L100 however the harder pokemon and trainers in this region are L130. You do not level up your pokemon you fighting in this region lowers the level of your enemies if you grind enough you can get their level under 90 etc. This way you can explore every region who will always be a challenge.
2) Minimize down pokemon type advantages or possibly remove them at all. Basically fire is not a one hit kill on plant etc.