About a week ago when transparent water tiles were brought up (again) I started working on these. I'm at a point where I feel I can't do much more with them, so I'm just posting them in case mappers want to work with them or edit them at some point in the future. Given they weren't made with a specfic area in mind (upcoming or otherwise), they're just meant to be an available option to mappers if they want them, or maybe to inspire other tile makers.
I wanted to try to capture the visual effects seen in
>>22746109, with light rays shining down and cool, almost glowing waters. Not knowing all the limitations of the engine I'm not sure how much of it is possible but it was fun to try it out regardless. The examples along the bottom use random tiles I'd saved so there might be better tiles for cliffs and rocks and stuff like that. The example on the far right is kind of a "best case scenario" for how I imagine they could be used, but again I'm not sure if it'd be possible to pull off.