Well fuck me this took a while. Lemme rate some while im here.
>>30177814Dat love for steven. Shit taste favorite poke/legendary sorry. top-tier gym leader.
>>30177832>fellow rosa slave.>fellow mega-mawile slavemy nigga.
>shit tier waifu>shit tier husbandosorrynotsorry
>>30177915>Dat gyarados masterpiece>wtf even is that move (Protect?)>can't even draw dick and balls well10/10 for effort
>>30178093>mudkip>blue>watsonnmy nigga
>>30178486>dat weird monkey thing i dont knows name yeti need this in my sun.
why not pick just 1? Ruins fun otherwise
>>30178528>Chikorita>turtwig>chespinmy nigga
>>30178739>hates probopassunforgivable
>blue favorite rivalredeemed.
>>30178891>hates wobbufettno
>>30179026>hates chikorite but loves blue and giovanninotsurehowtofeel.jpg
>>30179210>turtwig, tepig, chespin, rowletmy nigga
why no waifu/husbando?