Quoted By:
>The world as been through a cataclysmic event, leaving a gaping scar on the planet.
>Humans and legendaries mysteriously vanished hundreds of years ago.
>Pokémon now have established kingdoms and other communities.
>Rulers send pokémon adventurers into the extremely dangerous gaping abyss filled with warped versions of pokémon for richs, glory and to try and learn of what happened before the cataclysm.
>Plays like Etrian Odyssey, with map drawing, party based combat, resource gathering and punishing difficulty.
>Instead of classes you have types. With portraits of different pokémon to represent each Alternate color scheme is their shiny versions.
Strong enough to survive in a fight, but their strength lies outside of combat.
Tank/dps with binding skills in the form of grabs. Demands frontline.
Backline dps with emphases on evasion over defense.
Backline Debuffs/support
AoE skills and debuffs with skills like dig to keep them out of enemy attacks, good in any line.
Slow tanks with insane AoE attacks, frontline, very low TP, high maintenance high reward.
Backline Debuffs/support but can also be specced for tanking with harden.
Backline dps/debuffs and binding, can also vanish for a turn and increase the aggro on other party members
Pure Tanks.
DoT dps of both lines
AoE dps any line
Debuffs/binds/supports with self healing for survival, backline.
Fast attackers with debuffs any line, chance to paralize enemies with regular attacks at later levels.
Backline buffs/Support.
AoE binds, good on any line.
Tank/Dps with insane strength, frontline.
Debuff/dps any line.
Unlike EO where you pick a smart, balanced party and keep it throughout the game this one would make you use all of these because of type advantages, building a smart team perfect for that area to clear it out and overwhelm anything with their weakness.