>>44183240Hunter Type, Type Matchup is in the image attached.
It's good against Fighting & Flying because those Pokemon would pose the best natural challenge with just regular attacking for a hunter, Fairy-Type meanwhile is the big reward, think about stuff like Witch Hunters and what not.
Fighting and Fairy are resisted because it can go toe-to-toe with them more easily but could still be ambushed by a Flying-Type hence no resistance to that. It resists Fire & Electric since those two correspond to natural disasters (Forest Fires & Lightning Storms) which the Hunter Pokemon would be well equipped in dealing with and may even use when hunting prey to their advantage.
Hunter Pokemon would do poorly against Poison-Types due to the inherent danger and the poor food gained, hence they're both weak and resisted, Hunter Pokemon would also not fair too well against Ice since in nature an absolute freezing state can make hunting extremely difficult as not only does the hunter need to hunt for food that is likely more scarce than in other environments it also needs to keep warm.
Hunter doesn't do well hitting Ghost or Psychic due to their innate supernatural qualities, this was also to give Ghost something new to differentiate it from Dark-Type. Bug-Type meanwhile does well against Hunter Type due to Hunter Pokemon not normally realizing the bugs and the idea of death by a thousand papercuts.
Hunter-Type Pokemon would include Pokemon that predate on other Pokemon in the more classical way (so not stuff like Alolan Muk), stuff like Fearow, Arbok, Kingler and Heatmor. Moves that would fall under this group would also be stuff that would be related to hunting so Pursuit, Jaw Lock, False Swipe, Fake Out and Sucker Punch. Hunter Type moves (the new stuff) would also mainly focus around trapping targets and lowering their Attack and Special Attack stats fast, basically the idea of disabling your target before you go in for the killing blow.