>>48984253I don't hate them, just dislike them mildly.
Its the least shit Pokemon game we've had since the 3ds era and onward.
>MegasShit mechanic that combines powercreep and favoritism.
This doesn't even impact regular playthroughs, its only meaningful in the cesspool that is competetive Pokemon
>Fire/FightingNeat I guess but that was an incredibly autistic complaint that I never got behind.
For what its worth I like Emboar's design more than Delphox's
>Horde BattlesThese were pointless shit unless you're doing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>shiny hunting
>BreedingHoly fuck no, IV breeding and on-cartridge wifi battles are still cumbersome as shit, just play Showdown or inject
>Improved shiniesNeat but nothing more
>8 directional movementGame never really takes advantage of it but its ok