is done. A perfect run. 0 faints. OG crew.
Highlights include Bloomburg surviving a crit cross-chop from Brunos Machamp at 1 HP, and Bubba shrugging off a crit hyperbeam from Lance's level 50 Dragonite like it was nothing thanks to an Amnesia + normal-moves-suck-berry.
Otherwise, man. Fuck Johto's Elite Four. Those fuckers just love double team! As usual though, I was lucky. Had any of Dragonite's Dragon Rushes crit, I would have died. I had to wait for a miss before I could tried to 2HKO one from full health with Bubba's Ice Beam. So that whole time I was just waiting for a miss or a crit. Thankfully the one time he crit it was the hyperbeam...
I'll probably bust through the Kanto gym leaders but I consider this Nuzlocke done.
I'm starting to form quite the rag-tag group of survivors...