This shit is being made by japs right? If so this article about Splatoon 2 Salmon Run schedules is well worth a read:>Y-you kotaku shill!Posting the important stuff:
>It’s super annoying that Splatoon 2's maps rotate, or that you can’t play Salmon Run all the time. One of the two Western designers at Nintendo says it comes down to the vastly different ways the Japanese developers approach game design.>Amaro says that Japanese developers aren’t necessarily interested in catering to players’ specific needs. Talking about the choices made with Splatoon 2, he compares it to an anecdote about Japan from a TED talk:>In Japan, everything is tailored. You’ve probably heard Sheena Iyengar’s TED talk, in which she went to a restaurant in Japan and tried to order sugar in her green tea. The people at the cafe said, “One does not put sugar in green tea,” and then, “We don’t have sugar.” But when she ordered coffee instead, it did come with sugar! In Japan, there’s a sense of, “We’re making this thing for you, and this is how we think this thing is better enjoyed.” This is why, in Splatoon, the maps rotate every couple of hours. And the modes change. “I bought this game. Why can’t I just enjoy this game the way I want?” That’s not how we think here. Yes, you did buy the game. But we made this game. And we’re pretty confident about how this game should be enjoyed. If you stick with us, and if you get past your initial resistance, you’re going to have the time of your life with this game. You’re really going to love it.(((They))) know whats beat for you silly gaijin :^)