>>39046840>1) Actual good creature designs. I don't understand why many of these attempts look so fucking generic. How can this be that hard?Because Tajiri, Sugimori and his team of artists were well versed in myth and culture, and had a very particular style of design along with a stringent criteria that straddled the border between over-designed and under-designed, super cool and really lame; understood what it meant to be cute without going overboard, same as with coolness
you can see in pic related that GameFreak had no shortage of godawful design ideas---however, they had an editing process that was able to throw out the ones that wouldn't work and replace them with ones that are beloved even today
it's such an arcane process that GameFreak themselves haven't been able to emulate it fully since recent gens, only maintaining just enough semblance of the old style to still remain superior to other series's designs