>>53567633The manager at my last job was impossible to please. Applied for part time and got 60 hour weeks. She constantly came in hours after she clocked out just to bitch about something. Coworker takes me outside to show me stuff to do, she screeches over nobody being in the store. Stay in the store, she screeches over nobody doing the stuff outside. All this on top of trying to schedule me for working all alone 1 week in as well as telling me my entire first paycheck had to go to buying ludicrously overpriced work shirts. I don't care if the shirts were made of pure silk, no work shirt is worth $50, especially when they only come in packs of 5 from the company's online store that nobody other than employees would ever go to.
Then I find out she's fired no less than 30 people in 4 months. It wasn't 4 days in when she came in 6 hours after clocking out, literally doing it for free, to bitch about me doing nothing despite everything having been done already. At that point I knew the job was a sinking ship. I called her a fat ugly whore that was too stupid to realize that she's never going to keep employees around if she tries running the place like it's the goddamned Pentagon and threw my apron in her face.
then her boyfriend followed me to my car and tried to fight me for calling her a bitch, lmao.I don't get why people have to be like this. It's a fucking gas station not the CIA. All managers are scum who use what little power they have to bully anybody they can, scheduling one person to do the work of two people for no extra pay, and then say "why don't people want to work?!"