>>16351803You re-group with Miss Leading halfway back to Geosenge Town. She tells you that she was able to clean up the mess Unfezant left behind, then explains how she discovered Froakie in his little predicament at the hill's base. With some assistance, the Ferroseed was gotten rid of, but now Froakie's in critical condition.
In exchange for that, you tell her how Unfezant was shot down by a group of Farfetch'd who stole your spaghetti and celery. You then suggest that the two of you see a duck-watcher for more information, and possibly a thorough analysis and translation of the pamphlet they left behind.
You enter Roger Ebert's P.I. Agency while he is in the middle of an important discussion with a client.
"Perhaps I could help you find your cat....so as long as you do something for me..."
Roger rears his big fat cancerous head closer to her, "
You tell me where she is first..."The Breeder gasps, "Wh-What?! What are y-you-- how did you--!?"
"Save it. The facts are all in place, I know now, I've known since the second you came waltzing into my office with that smile on your face. You killed her. You killed you Glameow in order to gain the inheritance she was to receive from her parents, and you framed your boyfriend for the crime because you were getting tired of him. But here's something you didn't know..."
Roger Ebert retrieves a piece of paper from his pocket, "I did some investigating and discovered the real will of you Glameow, the one at the crime scene was a fake you planted. What does it say here on the dotted line?"
The Breeder gasps, her heart shatters, "Wh-What?! No....No, that can't be!"
"But it is. This whole case? This whole crime, this MURDER? It was all for nothing. You were going to receive an inheritance of your own either way, and you took the life of your own cat away. For no reason."
"How do people like you live with yourself?"
A) Barge into Ebert's office.
B) Let him finish up with this chick.