decent enough start
can't wait to see how retarded this gets on the highest difficulty kek
>>56116753yeah, the whole 'dlc is not connected to base game' is REALLY noticeable this time kek
i purposely haven't fought maliketh on my file just out of sheer curiosity to see if gideon gave a fuck that i located miquella or his great rune, nope, doesn't fucking care.
if i replay the DLC i'll probably keep melina alive going into it, i doubt she'll have any dialogue whatsoever though.
>>56116778thanks. i don't think the DLC is a disappointment, in fact most of the reason i'm seething so much over the final boss is because i thought everything else wasn't a disappointment kek. but, get it on sale desu
they've actually already patched the earlygame DLC, because people were getting bodied by rellana. again, would not be surprised if they tuned down the final boss a little bit
>Speaking of Godwyn, is there even anything related to him the DLCthere is. his stormveil face shows up in a ton of the catacombs, and there's new bosses that seem connected to the those who live in death
you also have, basically, an avatar of the frenzied flame, another 'rot goddess', the dragon rep, the glintstone/magic rep, etc. which all points to the idea that you're going to eventually get a proper death god rep. but...nope! obviously the geniuses at fromsoft decided otherwise
>It feels really preachy and out of nowhereone of mohg's followers is your biggest ally and calls the guy a monster, you're not supposed to sympathize with him
the idea that he's a
gay shota that wants to have sex with his brother is definitely GRRM, though